Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Awakening 2012 Day 5 to 7Cardiff - Ponny's experience


The 2nd day of Awakening in Cardiff; another day of Grace and Blessings. A steady but small stream of people visited the small chapel at St Philip Evans today. Sitting in front of the Lord I asked myself why coming here is different to praying in silence somewhere else? The thought came to me that Our Lords presence in the Eucharist can be experienced in a tangible and individualistic way by everyone who walks into the Awakening chapel.

Everyone seems to have their own way of communication with the Lord.  Some walked in stayed silent for sometime and then walked out. Some came said rosaries as a family, sang songs and left. Some read from prayer books, while others seemed to write, some listened to music or even read and reflected. yet there were few others who simply stared at the Lord, Or closed their eyes and stayed silent, some even shed a few tears. As children of God we all have our own way of connecting with the Lord. Awakening seems to be a time when each one tries to make time to experience that connection.

The rosary sung by a five year old boy will stay afresh as a cherished memory from this day forth. His innocent and not so clear Hail Mary sung with full devotion and energy brought a smile to my serious face along with the realisation that I am sitting in front of my Jesus and I too can be a child in front of him!!

On the the 4th day of Awakening in Cardiff at St Albans Church, sitting in front of the Lord inside the small chapel, I picked up a book on Rosminian spirituality and smiled because I was sitting in a Rosminian Church and would there have been a more appropriate book than this to read here? The smile turned to a surprise as I realized that it was edited by A.Balsito, whom I recognized as our beloved Blessed Antonio Rosmini from the Rosmini center at  the Ratcliff College.The words of Rosmini himself jumped out at me “ Adore, Be Silent, Rejoice” I decided to do just that and also made a poster with these words. As I was putting it up a group of parishners were saying the rosary and one of the ladies caught my eyes and smiled. This moment of connection is what has been happening all day today. This year the parishners have also organized a rota for themselves and most of the slotts were covered by them. Awakening over the last years has created a connection in this parish and no one is a stranger anymore. This desire to spend time with the Eucharistic Lord in adoration has created a sense of unity and friendship. The mass celebrated by our very own JY pastor Fr Binu added to that sense of belonging as even without prior notice or planning the chapel was full at 10:00 pm for the mass. Surely another day of amazing grace and beauty.


With the spirit of awakening !

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